Please answer phone call or text to confirm time and date, have an open area to place massage table (i.e. living room), have quiet room (no TV, kids/family or pets), have convenient access for transport of massage table to room (i.e. doorway close to living room from outside parking).
Inform if massage table will be on ground floor or upstairs.
No interruptions during massage from family or phone calls
Zelle(preferred) or Venmo or cash only
The start and end time will be stated with client for the massage required (i.e. “Start time is 10:00 am” and after massage “End time is 11:00 am” for the 60 min massage).
Inform during phone consultation of any allergies to scent, any areas to avoid for massage (i.e. cut/injury/recent surgery).
24 hour cancellation notice required to avoid charges for massage. If therapist arrives at home/office and appointment is cancelled, the FULL PRICE of massage must be paid (i.e. cover travel costs, etc.)